“ANNADATA FARMS” is working since 2016 for farmer’s welfare and to motivate them to be digital under Digital India platform, we created social platform to broadcast farmers producing’s.

We bring farmers digitally to promote their products, producing’s and supplies to connect them with good opportunities.

Now we brought ANNADATA FARMS 2.0 concept for linking farmers producing’s to direct customer we built our ecosystem to get it from farmer and deliver it to end customer and we targeting more benefits to farmers.

we are not running business but we are creating automated ecosystem for wellbeing’s of farmers.

In Marathi there is a word called ANNADATA which itself explains about farmers, “ANNA” means food and “DATA” means the giver which is our farmer.

In COVID-19 time we all know our legends were fighting and still working for us where we want to acknowledge policemen, farmers, milkmen, media’s, Municipal corporations workers our doctors and medical staffs from this platform we want to contribute our small helping hands to ease their daily required essentials regarding vegetables, fruits and etc. by not taking delivery charges.

In very upcoming days we wanted to organise farmers trading in more efficient way. We willing to work on farm related products right from fertilizers to pesticides to seeds to vegetables and fruits to grocery items and other by-products wherever we could help community.


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Top App Features

Pick the most convenient delivery slot to have your grocery delivered. From early morning delivery for early birds, to late-night delivery for people who work the late shift, ANNADATA caters to every schedule.

This super useful service can be availed by customers in cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Delhi-NCR in which we deliver your orders to your doorstep in 90 Minutes.


  1. Install android application using Google play store or click on following link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.windhans.product.annadata
  2. Login using your mobile number and put your full name, you will get OTP, Using OTP you can able join Annadata App easily
  3. Add products to cart or you can choose whichever variant you would like to pick and then add product to cart
  4. On checkout you can upgrade quantities of respected products
  5. Choose best offer for you and pick precise location from Google map and your address details
  6. Enjoy best deals and can track order from MY ORDERS
  7. Check exiting offers on OFFERS (From navigation bar)


"Annadata" (Kisan) App is dedicated to all farmers (Kisan). Very helpful to all farmers (Kisan), retailers, wholesalers, hotels, lawns etc. who looks for buying & trading farm products direct to customers.

Post a free ad of your farm product with your verified phone number and attract more buyers.

Save precious time and money! Filter localities in your city to find sellers and buyers closest to you.

Manage your products ads in My Product Option where you can change, remove or re-activate your products.

WindHans Technologies is providing a platform for all Android user's and for farmer who can sell their farm products to customers at their own price or rate.

Farmer need to post adds for his product by clicking image and inserting some basic information on "Annadata" (Kisan) App.

"Annadata" (Kisan) App is in dual language, regional farmer can understand it in easy way. App is purely dedicated for farmer for finding customers for their farm products.

Indulge in buying and selling of farm goods without paying any commission or transactional fee to us. Yes. It’s 100% free.

Enjoy a market in your hand that lets you search, spot and save food ads you like. Get the cheapest and pure deals on pure farm products. Direct by farmer.

"Annadata" (Kisan) App is an online community where people can connect with each other to buy or sell in over 4 main categories (Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Grains) for initially and unlimited Dynamic sub-categories.

Custom advertisement added (Farmer, Fertilizers, Pesticide companies, Agro based shop’s etc. can be on top of “Annadata’s Home Page”)

The fast, free, easy and safe way to find, buy and sell farm products locally. Download the "Annadata" (Kisan) app that helps connect consumer’s farmers to customers to make the world a better place

Download the app now

"ANNADATA FARMS" has brought e-commerce concept in same application. We take supplies from farmer and deliver it to you....